How do other Parishes use this?

Other Parishes and Parish Organisations use ParishText.ie to send text messages and reminders to Clergy, Parish and Community groups about meetings etc and have found it to be very effective.  We understand Parishes and how they are organised. We have done websites across the country for Parishes, Dioceses, Schools, Religious Orders etc.

What are my Payment Options?

When you are ready to top up your account credits, you have 2 payment options:

  1. You can pay by credit card from within your ParishText.ie account.
  2. To pay by invoice:
    1. Send us a PO and full contact details (Account Name, postal address, email and telephone) to info@parishtext.ie
    2. We will send you an invoice
    3. When we receive payment, we will add the requested credit amount to your account.

Will sending a group text from my mobile take longer ?

There is not usually any difference in the time it takes to send a Group Text via mobile .  However a number of variables are at play, the length of time from your mobile network to our servers, and then from our servers to the mobile networks and from there to the recipients.  The mobile networks do not offer guaranteed delivery times and delays of up to 40 minutes are not uncommon. There may also be a delay if the recipent mobile is switched off.

Do I have to pay a set-up charge or monthly fees?

No – there are no set-up charges or monthly fees with ParishText.ie. You buy your credits, use them, and top them up when you need to. It really is that simple.

Do I have to enter my contacts one by one, or can I upload multiple contacts?

You can enter contacts individually, or you can upload several contacts at the same time from an Excel or csv file.

Can I put my contacts into different groups?

Yes – you can – you can create the groups that you need and then assign contacts to those groups as you need to. You can change them around easily too.

Can I edit contact information?

Yes – You can do this easily on the CONTACTS tab in ParishText.ie.

Can my contacts opt out if they don’t want to receive any more messages?

Yes – your contacts can opt out by replying STOP to the message you send them. They are automatically removed.

Can I prevent duplicate contacts from being entered or uploaded?

Yes – this is very easily done on ParishText.ie It can be useful, for example, in schools using SMS text messaging to contact parents/guardians of two or more siblings.

Can I receive replies to my mobile phone?

Yes – we can set this up in the system very easily.

Is there a charge for replies to 2-way text messages?

As the originator of the message, you’re not charged for any replies to it. Anyone replying to you will be charged the price of a local text message.

I want to see a record of what I’ve sent – can I view send reports?

Yes – all this information is available to you on ParishText.ie

Can I set up an alert to let me know when my credit balance is low?

Yes – you can set up a balance alert on your account at ParishText.ie.

How do I purchase new credits?

Credits are purchased online via PayPal from your ParishText.ie account. If you do not have a credit card you can use the pre pay credit form to request an invoice. You will be contacted by ParishText within 1 working day.

Who is CreateText.ie?

CreateText.ie is an initiative of Acton BV, a leading internet consultancy. CreateText.ie provides the SMS Text Messaging service for your ParishText.ie account.

Bulk SMS - ParishText free trial
  • Free Trial

    We give you 100 free credits. Simply fill in your account details, tell us how you intend to use the service, and submit your request. We will reply within 24 hours with the information you need to login and send texts. So get typing!
  • What our Customers Say!

    We do a lot of fund raising and letting people know about events is our lifeblood. Sending SMS messages is cheap, easy and effective. It's worth a lot more than it costs.

    Ollie O’Loughlin
    Missionvale Ireland (Charity)