Anti Spam

PARISHTEXT subscribes to a strict anti-spam policy. This means that we do not condone unsolicited sms text messages, notifications, alerts or any message. We reserved the right to suspend or terminate any account that has been used or suspected of being used for sms spamming. We encourage our customers to develop better relationships with their customers and employees by sending they useful and wanted sms text message rather than damaging their relationships by sending spam.

All information on the PARISHTEXT website is of a commercial nature and is the property of Byrne Ventures Limited (trading as ACTON BV) an Irish registered company no. 403195 having it’s registered office at Suite 11, Information Age Park, Ennis, Co. Clare. If you do not wish to receive any further information regarding the services provided by PARISHTEXT please contact us directly at

Bulk SMS - ParishText free trial
  • Free Trial

    We give you 100 free credits. Simply fill in your account details, tell us how you intend to use the service, and submit your request. We will reply within 24 hours with the information you need to login and send texts. So get typing!
  • What our Customers Say!

    We find very easy to use. We send messages to groups in the parish e.g. altar servers, readers, Eucharistic ministers etc. We also use it for parish lotto results. We’re delighted with the support as we’d experienced higher costs and poor support from other providers.

    Michelle Conroy
    Portlaoise Parish Office